
Fixed Income


As a part of your investment portfolio, we offer a wide range of Bonds, Gold ETFs and Government Securities along with Corporate Fixed Deposits which vary in tenures, interest rates & institutions to suit your investment needs. These instruments are unexplored by the public due to a lack of understanding and knowledge.

The schemes have been specially chosen from high-safety options to ensure that you enjoy the twin benefits of returns and protection. This genre of Investment schemes is best suited for investors who want to earn fixed returns on their investments.

When you purchase any type of bond (government, convertible, callable, etc.), you are lending money to the issuer which may be a corporation, the government, a federal agency or any other entity. In return, the issuer promises to pay a specified rate of interest during the life of the bond and repay the face value of the bond upon maturity of the term.

Government Bonds are one of the most secure forms of investment in India attributed to its Sovereign guarantee. Individuals seeking to dilute the risk factor also ascertaining higher than average returns on their investments can allocate a stipulated portion of their corpus for investment in Government Bonds as well.

Many finance houses also offer investors the facility to open fixed deposits that offer interest rates that can be higher than what most banks offer.

While owning gold in physical forms like jewellery, gold coins or bars comes at a huge cost, owning it in paper form like gold exchange-traded funds (gold ETFs), Sovereign Gold Bond and Gold funds under the mutual fund category comes at a price closer to the actual price of gold.

THE PROMORE EDGE : Intelligence combined with the first-hand experience in the industry for more than a decade makes us stand out. Insights of the market along with inter-linking its impact on your holdings will enhance the performance while limiting the risk.