
How to do financial & life planning with Nisha Sanghavi

Recently our co-founder, Ms. Nisha Sanghavi has been interviewed by I’m Just Curious’s host Ms. Shruti Palan. She has discussed her thriving journey from quitting a well-paying job to starting her own brand, Promore Fintech Private Limited. Here are the highlights of the entire discussion that happened on YouTube!

She has always been inclined towards helping women by educating & explaining to them the importance of being financially independent & how much important it is to start investing early!

“When you are earning money, you definitely need to make sure that you manage it well”, says Ms. Nisha. This is absolutely true. Taking sound decisions with the money you earn is essential to living a financially sound life. Prosperous financial planning entails, being conscious of expanding regardless of your earnings level.

She has meticulously discussed Financial planning, Life planning, the Importance of investing early, How to think before investing, Insurance, Cyptocurrency, What to focus more on needs or wants, the Role of a financial planner in one’s life, and Her experience with clients, How she thought of starting ProMore Fintech, Tips for aspiring financial planners, Thumb rule of investing & a lot more.

To get an in-depth insight into the whole conversation, click here –