

1. Promore Fintech Pvt. Ltd. (PROMORE) provides investment services as a distributor of third-party investment products presently. Investment products do not pertain to PROMORE and are not guaranteed by PROMORE or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates.  They are subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Past performance is not indicative of future results, prices / invested sum is subject to market risks which may result in appreciation or depreciation.

2. PROMORE does not provide investment advisory* services in any manner or form presently. Nothing contained in the website of PROMORE, in official channel / handles of PROMORE or in this document should be construed as investment advice and should also not be construed as a recommendation or as a guarantee of any specific outcome or profit.

3. The ownership of any investment decision(s) shall exclusively vest with the Investor after analysing all possible risk factors and by exercise of his/her/its independent discretion and PROMORE shall not be liable or held liable for any consequences thereof.

4. The information contained in this document is confidential, privileged and only for the information of the intended recipient and may not be used, published or redistributed without the prior written consent of PROMORE.

5. PROMORE makes no representations and gives no warranties of whatever nature in respect of this document, including but not limited to the accuracy or completeness of any information, facts and/or opinions contained herein. PROMORE, its subsidiaries, the directors, employees and agents cannot be held liable for the use of and reliance on the opinions, estimates, forecasts and findings, if any, in this document or on its website.

6. Mutual Fund Investments are subject to Market Risks. Please read the offer document carefully before investing.

Note: AMFI Registration No. (ARN) – 171088

* Advisory services will be extended by PROMORE only after due regulatory approval(s), as applicable.